Cangzhou Bohai New Area


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What matters should we pay attention to in the construction of a pig breeding farm?

1. Common ground with the construction of other breeding farms

In the process of site selection, pig breeding farms should also be built on higher terrain, close to the water source and clean water source, with fewer pedestrians, so as to avoid the waste generated by the breeding farm to harm the normal life of residents.

2. Supporting facilities for breeding pigs

In addition, supporting facilities for breeding pigs should be set up in the farm, not only with forage, but also with feeding trough, drinkers, feces cleaning pool, lighting and other facilities. If conditions permit, special epidemic prevention rooms and supporting facilities can be set up, which is not only convenient for management, but also conducive to the health of breeding pigs.

3. The construction of breeding farms should take into account the habits of breeding pigs

The establishment of pig houses should be orderly, at least eight meters apart, so as to avoid a pig house infection, and then cause other pig house infection, it is not worth the loss, and pig houses should be based on different ages of pigs and pigs of the male and female are not the same to reasonable construction, such as boar strength, arch wall, so the wall of the boar to establish some thick.

4. Other aspects

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Based on modern animal husbandry, we actively learn from foreign advanced breeding technology and production experience, pay attention to the excellent animal growth environment, and develop and design automatic feeding systems such as pig farms and chicken houses by ourselves.


Cangzhou Bohai New Area

Julie: 86-18832726557
