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How to build a breeding farm?

1. fattening crate

The big fattening crate is semi-open, rolling curtain, group breeding, mainly breeding boar, sow, gilt, middle and late gestation sow and growth finishing pig. In the big stall, sows to be matched and boars are separated by opposite channels. Generally, the male stall is 3.0 m ×4 m ×1.4 m, with one boar in each stall. Sow stalls are generally 4.4 m x 2.0 m x 1.0 m.

2. gestation stall

The gesation stall is also called the positioning stall. The size of each column is 2.2 m ×0.6 m ×1.0 m, and 0.6 m behind the column is the seam floor. Field numbers account for 20% of the sow population. There are two main purposes of restricted feeding: one is to prevent abortion, the other is to limit the amount of feed. Breeding sows to 35 days of gestation, 36 days of gestation into large enclosure breeding, increase movement, improve the utilization of sows, reduce the elimination rate.

3. farrowing house

Set high farrowing bed, full slatted floor. The number of birthing beds accounts for 25% of the total number of sows, with 8~10 birthing beds per birthing house. Fully slatted floor, equipped with sow limit rack (2.2 m *0.6 m *1.0 m), piglet enclosure (2.2 m * 0.5 m *0.6 m), piglet incubator (0.5 m *1.0 m *1.0 m), drinking water (0.6 m for sows and 0.12 m for piglets), sow feed tank and piglet supplementary feeding tank. Pregnant sows parturition 3 to 7 days early.

4. Nursery House

Set high nusery bed, full plastic slatted floor. There are usually 4 enclosures in a nursery. The size of each enclosure is usually 2.0 m x 2.0 m x 0.7 m. 10~12 piglets are kept in each enclosure. The plastic slatted floor is equipped with a drinking water fountain (0.26m high) and a feeding trough; Piglets enter the nursery after weaning, and the nursery period is usually 5-6 weeks. The nursery should be both insulated and ventilated.

5, breeding farm floor

The surface condition of the floor of breeding pig farm has an important effect on the health of pigs. If the floor surface of breeding pigs, backup pigs and fattening pig farms is too slippery, when there is water or feces, the pigs often slip, sprain limbs, causing paralysis. Breeding farm floor surface is too rough, especially when there are sharp corners, often puncture pig hoof, the formation of hoof inflammation, suppuration, slope line. The floor of the breeding farm was honeycomb.

6. Delivery box (bucket)

Piglets in the delivery room and nursery often suffer from diarrhea and other diseases and need to be administered in drinking water. Therefore, the delivery box (bucket) should be set up in the delivery room and nursery. There are two ways to use the medicine bucket: one is to install a medicine bucket in the whole delivery room or nursery; The other is to install a medicine bucket in each delivery room or nursery. The former has the advantage of simplicity and less investment; The latter has the advantage of facilitating separate use of each birthing bed or nursery

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Based on modern animal husbandry, we actively learn from foreign advanced breeding technology and production experience, pay attention to the excellent animal growth environment, and develop and design automatic feeding systems such as pig farms and chicken houses by ourselves.


Cangzhou Bohai New Area

Julie: 86-18832726557
