Cangzhou Bohai New Area


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how to breed pigs in winter?

1.The first is to pay attention to prevent low temperature, keep a good pig house temperature.
2.The second is to try not to refueling, to avoid causing discomfort to pigs.
3.Third, do not feed cold food, use warm water more than 30 degrees.
4.The fourth is not to drink cold water, feed it a little warm water.
5.Fifth, the piggery should be protected from cold wind, but it also needs regular ventilation to ensure the air quality of the piggery.
6.Sixth is to keep the pig house dry, excrement in time to clean up

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Based on modern animal husbandry, we actively learn from foreign advanced breeding technology and production experience, pay attention to the excellent animal growth environment, and develop and design automatic feeding systems such as pig farms and chicken houses by ourselves.


Cangzhou Bohai New Area

Julie: 86-18832726557
