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What matters need to pay attention to raising chickens

1. Inoculate your chickens from birth should be inoculated regularly, so that they will grow up healthy and avoid huge losses.
2, chicken coop chicken coop should be built in a dry and ventilated place, winter should pay attention to warm, summer should pay attention to sun protection, and chicken coop should be cleaned often, clean and sanitary environment is conducive to the health of chickens.
3, size separation according to the different sizes of chickens, they will be separated, so that there will be no chicken grab food, so that each chicken can have enough nutrition to grow to adulthood.
4, free-range chickens should not only be raised in the chicken house, but also regularly let them to the grass to peck at insects and small stones, so that not only delicious meat, but also can increase the growth of chickens need various elements, so that chicken is more nutritious.

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Based on modern animal husbandry, we actively learn from foreign advanced breeding technology and production experience, pay attention to the excellent animal growth environment, and develop and design automatic feeding systems such as pig farms and chicken houses by ourselves.


Cangzhou Bohai New Area

Julie: 86-18832726557
